convert foot, inch to centimeters; centimeters to foot, inch


convert ft', in" & cm

convert to centimeters (i.e. 5' 3" to 160 cm)
convert to foot, inch (i.e. 160 cm to 5' 3") 
enter length ft




Convert foot, inch to centimeters

example using 5 ft 6 in
Fig. 1
  1. Click the "convert to centimeters" button.
  2. To convert foot-inch lengths into centimeters, enter feet into "ft" box and inches into "in/cm" box.  Figure 1 uses 5 foot 6 inch (5' 6") as an example.
  3. Click "convert" and the answer appears in the box below.  The solution will also be shown in the "solution" box.

Convert centimeters to foot, inch

example using 170 cm
Fig. 2
  1. Click the "convert to foot, inch" button.
  2. To convert centimeters into foot-inch lengths, enter centimeters into "in/cm" box.  Figure 2 uses 170 centimeters (cm) as an example.
  3. Click "convert" and the answer appears in the box below.  The solution will also be shown in the "solution" box.


cm  x  0.39* = in


 = ft


in  x  2.54 = cm


If a woman is 5 foot, 3 inches (5' 3"), what is her height in centimeters?

(5' x 12) + 3" = 63"

63" x 2.54 = 160 cm


If a woman is 5 foot, 8 inches (5' 8"), what is her height in centimeters?

(5' x 12) + 8" = 68"

68" x 2.54 = 172.7 cm

If a man is 203.2 centimeters tall, what is his height in feet and inches?

203.2 cm x 0.3937008 = 80"


 = 6.67' 


.67 x 12 = 8.04 remainder


 = 6 ft and remainder = 8 in



6' 8"

*Shown as 0.39 after rounding to the nearest hundredth.  Program uses 0.3937008 to convert centimeters to inches 

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J.U.S.T - Faculty of Nursing